Legal Surveying
3D Land Surveying Inc.
3D Land Surveying Inc. was incorporated in April 2018 as an independent professional land surveying company. Working in tandem with 3D Geomatics, 3D Land Surveying Inc.’s land surveyors have decades of experience performing all tasks related to legal boundary management – from approval through to registration, on both provincial and Canada lands throughout British Columbia.
Land Use Development
Subdivision Design, Applications and Approval Process
Phased Developments
Development Variance Permits
Liase with Local Governments, Regional Districts and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Legal (Cadastral) Surveys
Strata Developments (Building Strata and Bare Land Strata)
Boundary Surveys that will require a Posting Plan
Air Space Parcels
Commercial Leases
Easements, Covenants and Rights of Ways
Foreshore Leases, Licenses, Private Moorage Applications
Building Layouts – Residential, Commercial and Industrial Gridline Layout
Control Network Surveys – Photo Targets
Precise Monitoring
Topographic Surveys for Building Design
BC Land Surveyor’s Building Location Certificates